Do you have a question? We have the answer.

From A for acquirer, to Z for "zero-rated": In our glossary you will find a clear list of the most common technical terms from the world of payments explained in a simple and understandable manner.

The term "debit" is used internationally for payment cards where the bank debits the transactions directly and in full without any time delay from the current account to which the debit card is linked. Thanks to NFC technology, contactless payment is possible with debit cards. The debit card is one of the most secure means of payment on the internet and at the point of sale (POS).

The automated account crediting of each individual booking after each cash cut. The settlement of the booking fees takes place per girocard transaction by the house bank.

A cashless payment procedure in which the payee or the creditor's account-holding bank may debit a claim from the debtor's account via a book money transfer by means of a power of attorney granted by the debtor.

The percentage of turnover that an acceptance point must pass on as a user fee to its acquirer, which processes the payment transactions.

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